Thursday 15 August 2013

How to Preview images in Adobe Bridge

The ability to Preview images in Adobe Bridge as small screen or as 100%  size without actually opening with Photoshop is one of the lesser known yet most useful features in Adobe Bridge. We can make our thumbnails larger or smaller by scaling bars as we previously described this in Image thumbnail resize tutorial in Photoshop. We can also change or resize the size of Preview images in Adobe Bridge via Preview Workspace. But there is a much easier way to see your images in full screen and that is to simply press the Space bar. 

When you tab the space bar in Adobe Bridge you go into full screen mode and you can also zoom up your image upto 100% by just click on the image. In fact you can use the Plus ( + ) key to zoom up your image upto 800% . In order to zoom out your image use Minus ( - ) key for this task. If you want to move in next image you can use Arrow keys ← → for this action or if you want to escape back to bridge just tab the Esc key. If you have a range of images you want to see you can select the first image and then hold down the Shift key to select that range, and then tab the Space bar key and you go in and you see the first image and toggle images by using Arrow Keys . One thing should be careful about Preview images in Adobe Bridge is that you press the Esc key and if it have no images selected then the Preview box goes empty. So you have to make that images already selected so the preview box will works fine.

This is how you can preview images in Adobe Bridge or in Adobe Photoshop simply with ease.

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